
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

In Albania the biggest challenges I have been facing are all centered around newness. A new country, new host, new weather and especially a new team. Our work here is partnered with Living Water Albania church that is connected with an adopt a child program. Me and my team of 5 other girls live above the church tucked away in a mountain village called Kotodesh. Day one we were told that there was another facility in the city if living here was too challenging for us, but every time we are asked if we want to move we are always chanting “we love village life!” Here we do programs several times a week with kids by sharing testimonies or messages about the gospel, orchestrating games and fun, and ultimately pursuing one on one relationships. Most of the time these programs are hosted at our base church, but sometimes we are traveling to other villages or churches to interact with different groups of kids. We have also had the honor of getting to work alongside and serve our hosts Ardit and Ranja. They are a young couple with a precious baby named Roi who have both come from Muslim backgrounds and are now dedicating their lives to Kingdom work. It has been amazing to share meals with them, hear their testimonies and be apart of the day to day things they do to impact their local village.

All of the children are enrolled in the adopt a child program and many are still seeking out sponsorship. One of the neatest things we have got to experience here was a testimony we heard when out on a house visit. This woman named Anna hosted us in her four room mountain home and shared how her child’s sponsor had provided a miracle for them in funding their house. She said for six years, her and her family all lived in one room and so the sponsor’s generous donation has made it possible for them to add on so that her and her family now have adequate living conditions. Anna shared that this gift was a reminder of the Lord’s faithfulness to her and her family and has strengthened her faith. It was truly humbling to see all she had put together for us to make us feel welcome using what little she had. I felt more welcomed and honored in that home than I have ever felt in my life.

She is the one of the very few believers in her village amongst a primarily Muslim population. Albania’s post war state has left the country in a religious identity crisis. Most Albanians associate with the Muslim faith, but very few actually take their practices seriously. It has been amazing to witness a budding community of believers up in the mountains who are slowly changing the atmosphere of faith around them. As well as the kids programs, we also host a women’s Bible study every Wednesday morning and assist a nearby church on Sundays in the more built up city of Pogradec. Here we are able to share our stories with the local church body and ATL around the city building connections and sharing of God’s goodness.

One of my absolute favorite moments from my time here was yesterday when the kids in the teen program taught us traditional Albanian dances. It was beautiful to watch their effortless movements as they danced in celebration of their national pride. They grabbed our hands and before we knew what was happening, we were in the middle of this collective ring of music and celebration. No matter how hard we tried, my team and I could not quite match their movements. About every few minutes, someone new would take the lead and adjust the style of dance ever so slightly to match their own style. It felt like I was in a scene out of a movie. Being surrounded by all the laughter, vibrant music and whimsical movement is something I’ll never forget. It reminded me of how diverse the face of God is throughout the Earth and that there is still so much to be learned. It was both humbling and amazing to partake in such a unique experience and I hope it won’t be the last.

We have now been here for about one month and I would say that the biggest thing I have had to step into regarding ministry is boldness in sharing; both my testimony and messages. Admittedly I never really felt like my story was worth sharing or that I was particularly gifted in public speaking, but the Lord has been showing up to reveal His strength despite my weakness. The first time I shared was in front of a group of about 30 teenagers and I was nervous! My mind was flooding with thoughts of what they would think or if what I had put together was any good. In the moment I did not have much peace about the situation, but after the fact I was convicted with the realization that this was not about me. The whole point of why I am here is to share about the hope that I have in Christ and the truth of the gospel. If all else fails but the kids are able to retain even a fraction of that truth, then the Lord can use that to work in their hearts. The Spirit has been teaching me that it is not my job to convince anyone, but to  be obedient in sharing the revelation I have received. He will do the rest, for only God can change the hearts of man (John 16:8). Since that time, I have had many more opportunities to share on different topics and I have seen how the power of testimony plants seeds. It has gotten to the point where I am eager to share about God and all the wondrous aspects of His character and story. Before this race, I was definitely a reed that would bend depending on whatever wind of ideology would blow past. Now I am eager for this opportunity to grow me more like a rock that is firmly planted and unwavering.

Outside of external ministry is the challenge of loving my team well and being receptive to their needs. This can get especially exhausting when the teams are changing every few months and you are additionally dealing with all the personal adjustments happening. I have found that the only thing that gives me strength to honor my team well is starting my day off with prayer consistently. I literally have to beg God some days to not give me a heart that breeds divisiveness, even though that is so naturally apart of my human makeup. To desire control, want to protest and belittle others. Ugh they are such aggravating tendencies to have! Nonetheless they are there and so, the best weapon I have against these feelings is to call them out for what they are. Fleeting moments of haughtiness that are simply catering to my own pride. It requires a daily repositioning of my heart to understand who I am going to trust more; myself or God? Picking the latter has not gotten any easier, but it is always far more rewarding in helping me choose joy over resentment and fellowship over isolation.

These were just some nitty gritty heart expressions of what has been happening lately. The stories God continues to orchestrate together keep astounding me and I still can’t wrap my mind around how I am so lucky to be here doing life intimately with Him. In a few days, my new team and I head into a two-week phase of ATL. Be praying that we are given discernment and courage for what the Lord has next.

Much Love- Tris🫰🏼

One response to “The Nitty Gritty”

  1. Wow Tris, it’s been months that you’ve been away & I may have read one other of your blog posts… thank u for sharing from your heart.. it definitely gives a good glimpse into how to pray & what your experincing.. you have a gift of writing!! I/we will continue to pray for you & strength for your reactions to all the newness around you, the new experiences & relationships.. that God can be glorified & that he can multiply your efforts. While in Haiti I was reminded of I Co 13.. even if I give all to the poor & my body to be burned & don’t have love there is no profit.. uhg.. that is a large statement.. I will pray God’s love & spirit continues to fill you & flow through you. It sounds like He is at work & that’s so encouraging to hear!! Love u & continued prayers.. Aunt Amber

Trisa L Moser

Hey guys, welcome to my blog! I am ecstatic to share with you the raw and real ways God has been moving on the field, and all the transformational ways my heart has changed in the midst of experiencing it. A short background update: I am a 23 yr old born and raised in Bluffton, IN. I have a rowdy, outdoor lovin\' family with 2 younger brothers and 2 younger sisters along with my parents, Trout and Lisa. I graduated from Grace College right before the race with a B.S. in communication and intercultural studies. Some of my favorite things are horseback riding, snowboarding, solemn skiing and anything outdoors. I am thrilled that we have this platform to express all the wild stories from the field. My prayer is that hearts will be moved by the testimonials shared on here, and that it gives all my readers a better glimpse at the amazing God I serve. If at any time you have questions or a concern that you would wish to discuss after reading, please feel free to email me at [email protected]. I want this to be a space for open dialogue and discussion, because some of the things that happen out here are hard to comprehend. Even for me if I\'m being honest. Thank you to everyone who has supported me thus far on my journey. I can\'t wait to see how our sovereign Father will continue to work. Much Love, Tris