
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Who knows If this blog will ever get posted, and if it does, it will probably be for a few select people and not my general audience, but I just needed to remind my anxiety real quick that it does not own me. Looking back at my last story, I realized that it has almost been a whole month since I posted a blog. At training camp we were given the initial expectation that we would write one every week, and that, unfortunately, has not been the case for me. Not for the lack of things to share, but because my mind is so consumed with the worry of writing something noteworthy, that it forgets how to be authentic. 

Since the 6th grade I have struggled with an anxiety induced compulsive disorder called Trichotillomania. Overall, it is the compulsive urge to pull out hair and for me, it specifically affects my eyelashes and eyebrows. I hate this part about myself. I wake up most mornings without makeup feeling like the ugliest person on earth and it sucks. When I’m feeling anxious or restless and my urges start there is literally no stopping it. I feel powerless and weak when I think about such a small thing producing such an obvious defect on me physically and mentally.  It is terrifying to feel like something else is in control of your body other than you. When an episode comes, it takes over and there is nothing I can do about it. 

I’m writing this because thinking about keeping up with these blogs has been causing consuming anxiety to inhibit my mind from resting on my sabbath or being able to relax in my downtime. This morning when I was in my hammock trying to tune into God, all I could think about was the multiple blog posts I have half finished and it was super distracting kinda like this ungrammatically correct long sentence until I felt God’s voice say, “TRISA STOP and just be with me! Forget about trying to please everyone else except the One who sent you here. I work all things out for my good and glory, even this crippling feeling you have now.” See that is what’s so cool about God is that He’s all about creating that personalized relationship. In the midst of my unique, and seemingly insignificant struggles, He sees me and wants to address my situation so that I can be drawn closer to Him. He was inviting me into peace and I definitely wanted in on that! So in that moment I decided that I was going to go pull a 180 on my mind and just start creating a blog on the fact that I’ve been super anxious to blog. If nothing else, for the sake of freeing my mind and being authentic with everyone who reads these, including my squad. The fact that I have Trich is not something I like to talk about or expose, but what I have been realizing is that a FACT of my human condition does not determine the TRUTH of any aspect of my worth. While creating this blog, Paul’s words reaffirmed this for me as well as several other passages. Here are a few:

Ephesians 2:10 “For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.”


Philippians 4:6-7 “do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

Colossians 1:16-17 “For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him. And he is before all things, and in him all things hold together.

1 John 5:4 “For everyone who has been born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world—our faith.”

Everything, even what we hate most about ourselves, was created for God and His Glory. How reassuring it is for me to know that all of my fleshly members must submit before Him, even my anxiety and out of control compulsions.

I just want to speak some truth over anyone who is feeling bound or trapped to their minds or bodies, that vessel was not meant to sustain you. It does not get the final say in who you are or what you are capable of because ultimately we were designated for something that surpasses this mortal life. You are called, set-apart and elected by a Heavenly court to do immeasurably more than you could ever hope to attain on our own. Believe it and step into experience it for yourself because I know God is wrecked with anguish when He sees his children succumbing to fleshly cages. 

Before this trip, I was terrified of other racers finding out. I had microblading done, got fake nails (to reduce pulling), and brought a bunch of makeup products to cover up my reality from others. The truth is that those solutions are not sustainable. In the end I am still faced with the same reality after each episode when I look in the mirror. In this repeated process of being constantly disappointed in myself, I realize that there is no inward solution. I know to some of you this is going to sound like a cliché church sermon, but to me this is my real-life testimony. Criticize and doubt if you want, but I cannot help but speak on these things to which God is redeeming. To which He is the only lasting solution. If you have questions or doubts, I’d love to talk and will include my contact info at the end. I know that anxiety and Trich are most likely always going to be struggles in my life. The victory for me does not look like these aspects of my life disappearing, but rather my ability to discern lies from truth and walk in the enablement through Christ that those things do not have to determine any form of outcome. They have no say in the grand scheme of things. To see them for what they are, a temporary condition that has no affect on my effectiveness. That is my victory.

If anyone else has struggles similar to these or just want to talk about something that has been weighing you down, I want to extend my invitation of walking with you through it. I want to normalize being vulnerable about these “secret” struggles because I know first-hand that having a constant face-off with myself everyday and not confiding in anyone NEVER helped. This is the last place and platform I thought I would use to find healing but here I am. In my time here, the Lord has redeemed so much.  I know that these words reflect a shifting perspective that is allowing me to draw closer to Him through releasing my cares into His sovereign divinity.

Lord help me to know how precious I am to you and that you have created me as a masterpiece. I believe that you have elected me to represent you and embody your character in my everyday. Through your power I pray that lies of the enemy are silenced and that anxiety is diminished because you are above, in and through all things. I pray these things not just for myself, but for anyone who is struggling with self-defeat or knowing their worth. Please give us your peace in our minds and the reassurance that we are Heavenly royals whose value knows no end in your court. I ask all these things in your name, Jesus, Amen.

much love- Tris

Contact Info: 260-466-9890

email: [email protected]

6 responses to “Anxiety this one’s for you”

  1. Trisa this post was so beautiful and real! It just shows that you are human like all of us:) Satan wants to kill, steal, and destroy all your joy but you are fighting back with truth from God’s Word! Praying for you and love you so much!

  2. Mi Hermana !!

    Best blog EVEERRRR

    Your confessional approach( not about sin/ but our post genesis three, human condition fallen reality , Where all creation groans situation ) .
    Too stand in the full light of day sunshine and say – I am a work in progress, going from one degree of glory to another day by day 2Cor3:17,18 and this is a real part of my struggle, is simply beautiful beyond compare.
    You have the great cloud of witnesses Heb 12:1 who have gone before you and all your brothers and sisters reading this blog right now crying out, “me too, me too…in one shape or form of sanctifying struggle which keeps us close and always broken,honest, needy and poor in spirit -for they shall see God. “

    Two of your sentences that really blessed me Tris were

    Everything, even what we hate most about ourselves, was created for God and His Glory. How reassuring it is for me to know that all of my fleshly members must submit before Him, even my anxiety and out of control compulsions


    They have no say in the grand scheme of things. To see them for what they are, a temporary condition that has no affect on my effectiveness. That is my victory.
    Alright , one more I’ve gotta restate-

    I know that these words reflect a shifting perspective that is allowing me to draw closer to Him through releasing my cares into His sovereign divinity.

    What life and hope is breathed into the lives of who’s ever eyes fall upon this article.

    Call Tal the church at Corinth, “comfort one another in the same comfort in which you have been comforted”.
    Play God continue to give you breakthrough, overcoming power, freedom and liberty in him and from this, and in the moments or days when it is acutely difficult, but it’s serve like a thorn in the flesh to keep you humble, grounded, and in a place where his strength is actually made most perfect in that weakness.

    So proud of you sister with courage and grace you’ve ministered to my soul.

  3. Wow Tris. This is beautiful! What a victory to have the freedom to shout from the rooftops what you are struggling with because you KNOW your identity is found in Him and not in anything afflicting you.

    I love how you punched the devil in the face and said “You think you can keep me from spreading God’s word by giving me anxiety! Well I’m just going to spread the word by talking about this very attack!”

    Our generation NEEDS this kind of honest voice. Not the false humility or whining of self love but the TRUE bread of life in the words of Jesus that provide the ultimate comfort and perspective and freedom.

    God is building you up, sister. You are going to write more blogs about this and other things that you once felt embarrassed about. Your voice is strong and bold and He is going to use it so get ready.

    Jesus I pray for my sister Tris that your word would sink in deep today. I ask that you would transform and renew her mind healing her from all anxiety and any disorder that has been afflicting her. We believe you when you say the kingdom has come near and we cry out for our sister to be healed in the name of Jesus. Lord, draw near to her and comfort her heart strengthening her as she grows in boldness and faith. I pray that her crying out to you is a model that blesses many. AMEN.

    This is so so good!!! YES to all of it.
    “a FACT of my human condition does not determine the TRUTH of any aspect of my worth”

    Our vessels cannot sustain us, only He is the lasting solution to everything we experience!!
    His heart hurts by what causes us pain, but He will still use it in the end for our good and His glory!!! Even those painful things we hate about ourselves.

    “I want to normalize being vulnerable about these “secret” struggles”
    What comes to the Light becomes Light and takes the enemy’s power to use it against you.
    He will use your vulnerability and your story to bring freedom to so many. Thank you for sharing Tris!!
    Proud of you!! And so so excited to walk with you in this season!

  5. Trisa, your open vulnerability is good. Exposing the sneaky, vicious, lies satan plants into our thought process to derail us from God’s purpose. Keep on. YES, sweet girl, you are beautifully, fearfully and wonderfully created to do His work. Press on. You are cherished. I just now was able to get all your blogs to open….finally!!

  6. Love you Tris so much, no matter the struggle. It is good to be honest…everyone battles issues, they hesitate to share…but good for you for speaking up. May God calm you in the midst of it all…know you are cherished deeply, and being used to glorify Him and spread the Gospel to those who desperately need Him, no matter what. Love and daily prayers covering you my sweet girl. Grammy.

Trisa L Moser

Hey guys, welcome to my blog! I am ecstatic to share with you the raw and real ways God has been moving on the field, and all the transformational ways my heart has changed in the midst of experiencing it. A short background update: I am a 23 yr old born and raised in Bluffton, IN. I have a rowdy, outdoor lovin\' family with 2 younger brothers and 2 younger sisters along with my parents, Trout and Lisa. I graduated from Grace College right before the race with a B.S. in communication and intercultural studies. Some of my favorite things are horseback riding, snowboarding, solemn skiing and anything outdoors. I am thrilled that we have this platform to express all the wild stories from the field. My prayer is that hearts will be moved by the testimonials shared on here, and that it gives all my readers a better glimpse at the amazing God I serve. If at any time you have questions or a concern that you would wish to discuss after reading, please feel free to email me at [email protected]. I want this to be a space for open dialogue and discussion, because some of the things that happen out here are hard to comprehend. Even for me if I\'m being honest. Thank you to everyone who has supported me thus far on my journey. I can\'t wait to see how our sovereign Father will continue to work. Much Love, Tris