Immersion: the act of dipping something into a substance, completely covering it or being completely submerged into a project.
Wow wow wow! Launch is just 2 days away!!
As I anticipate these next several months, this word, immersion, has been on my heart a lot lately. I initially chose the World Race out of a desire to serve and engage with the people of various cultures. However the more time I take to research and reflect on this experience I am committed to, the more expansive I see its purpose. It is not meant to merely be a missions trip. It is meant to be an all inclusive immersion of a person into a lifestyle that they are not familiar with for the sake of experiencing Jesus in a very real and raw way. To be surrounded and supported by strangers, live as an extreme minimalist, travel and encounter cultures vastly different from our own and be apart from all that’s familiar describes this immersive experience I am committing to.
I can’t help but relate this to how Jesus lived amongst all of his fallen creation. To devote himself out of love and isolate from divine glory just to walk among us is the greatest inspiration I can conjure. My desire is to leave led by that same level of devotion by leaving my personal comforts, goals and desires behind to go encounter the world.
Of course my hope is for this experience to grow me as an individual as well. Psychologist Ernest Becker described a great human being as a knight of faith. One who has “given over the meaning of his life to the creator and lives centered on the energies of his creator.” I can’t think of a better way to accomplish this than by investing my energies into people.
There are many emotions that continue to circulate in me as I think about leaving. Fear, excitement, anxiousness, wonder and nervousness are just a few. However the one feeling that remains constant above all others is surmounting awe for my creator and the doors he has opened to lead to this moment. I am so ready to go and imitate life as he did. Immersed in his creation and spreading the Kingdom’s love as I go. Thank you to all who are keeping me in your prayers, supporting me and following along my journey through reading these posts. I’m so blessed to be surrounded by a community like you!
Much Love! – Tris